
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Enabling and driving the sustainability transformation in agriculture

Klim provides the missing link between the food industry and farmers for a successful sustainable transformation in agriculture. Its offer is based on a digital platform that enables and incentivizes farmers to apply regenerative farming techniques.

Klim's Impact

The graph below shows the growth in impact multiples for Klim.

+ 79% CAGR*
impact multiple

* preliminary

When we invested


Regenerative agriculture (RegenAg) was only discussed amongst experts and activists; Klim's product was more an idea than a product, farmers only on a waiting list

4,000 farmers with managed farmland of 720,000 hectares (4.4% or German farmland) are using Klim to transition to RegenAg

Impact KPIs

The data below shows a subset of the Impact KPIs for Klim, updated to 11/2024.


farmers using the Klim app


hectares of farmland under management

Why it matters

Industrial agriculture has the most significant negative impact on land use and soil health.

23% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions each year are caused by agriculture.

1.5 – 5.0 Gt CO2 sequestration potential globally per year through regenerative farming.

Klim in the news

An image of the Klim app on a mobile phone

The solution for our agriculture is literally under our feet

Agriculture is at a turning point - not least because climate change is increasing the pressure. There is still a lack of really good strategies. But the solution could literally be under our feet, writes expert Lutz Wildermann

Read more on Focus
An image of crops growing in a field

Germany’s Klim raises $22M to take its regenerative farming platform international

Berlin-based agritech startup Klim is working to get farms to switch to regenerative farming more easily, and to help expand its operations internationally, the startup recently secured a $22 million Series A funding round 

Read more on TechCrunch

Nina Mannheimer

CPO & Co-Founder


We want to scale up and reach out to everyone. Conventional and Demeter farmers work with us. It’s about better soil. That helps the climate and stabilises crop yields. Who wouldn’t want that?