
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Delivering the most accessible, effective rehabilitation therapy.

Caspar accompanies patients in their rehabilitation journey, by combining individual, digital therapy with personal therapeutic care from healthcare professionals.

Caspar's Impact

The graph below shows the growth in impact multiples for Caspar.

+ 31% CAGR*
impact multiple

* preliminary

When we invested


Caspar was servicing a few singular facilities, regulation would not allow them to scale beyond 30 clinics

Caspar is fully accredited and reimbursed by the German State Insurance as a core pillar of their patient offering; 180 rehabilitation clinics work with Caspar; more than 8 million completed therapy modules

Impact KPIs

The data below shows a subset of the Impact KPIs for Caspar, updated to 11/2024.


patients using Caspar per annum (compared to 2023)


Patient satisfaction (CSAT)

Why it matters

Globally, in 2019, 2.41 billion individuals had conditions that would benefit from rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation, however, has not been 
prioritised in countries and is still under-resourced.

Only a small fraction of rehabilitation patients follow the required aftercare, leaving them at risk of incomplete recovery and potential setbacks in their progress.

Max von Waldenfels



This isn’t about replacing people with tech—it’s about augmenting the incredible work healthcare professionals are already doing.